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pillar IIi

Investing in
our future

As a member of the Cabarrus County Board of Education, I’ve seen firsthand how dangerous the politicization of our schools has become. In fact, I got into politics because of my own experience being a mother of two kids in Cabarrus County schools, and I’m running for State Senate precisely because I’m sick of politicians in Raleigh bringing politics instead of solutions. I believe education is an investment, and it’s one I’m willing to make. Our state funds must strategically target the recruitment and retention of the best teachers; learning resources for all of our students; equitable curriculum that prepares kids to lead holistic lives; and adequate support for teachers, staff, and local leaders so that everyone in our school system can thrive in Cabarrus County.


As your Senator, I will:


1.Work with my Republican and Democratic colleagues to raise teacher pay across the board so that teachers aren’t forced to relocate out of our community.


2. Protect parental rights to determine their child’s education by involving parents directly in the policy-making process and ensure that schools meet the expectations of parents. 


3. Expand the Teaching Fellows scholarship for STEM, special education, and any other area of education with a deficit in eligible teachers. 


4. Halt the budget cuts and reinvest in sports and arts programs in schools, which are critical to child development, socialization, and education. 


5. Support legislation that provides more counselors, psychologists, and social workers for schools to strengthen the mental and emotional development of students.


6. Create a focus group for school board members, system staff, teachers, and parents with regularly scheduled meetings to hold me accountable to my constituency and bring community concerns to Raleigh. 

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